Welcome to SPSIM
SPSIM (Standardized Patients and Simulation) is an association whose members are representatives of the four following institutions:
- College of Higher Education in Nursing Bern (BZ Pflege)
- Bern University of Applied Sciences Health (BFH)
- Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud (HESAV)
- Institute for Medical Education (IML), University of Bern
The goal of SPSIM is to organize a biennial conference on the use of Standardized Patients and Simulation in undergraduate and postgraduate education of health professionals. Each of the four institutions takes in turn responsibility for holding the conference.
Have a look at previous conferences.
Partner organizations of SPSIM are:
- Working Group for Interprofessional Training in Healthcare WITH
- Swiss Association of Simulation in Healthcare SASH
- The Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine SESAM