Prof. Dr. med. Robert Greif, MME, FERC
Robert Greif is Head Medical Education at the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Pain therapy, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland
Keynote 1: Hybrid simulation with midwifes and Standardized Patients
Following the main conference topics “curricular integration of simulation in healthcare – from concept to reality” a successfully implemented simulation program in the curriculum of two different professions and disciplines will be presented as an example of teaching and learning with patient actors in a simulator setting using hybrid part skills simulators for inter-professional team training. The main learning happens during effective debriefing which enables deeper insights in the different professional role perceptions and training of speak-up over hospitals hierarchic structures during the video enhanced feedback sessions. Teaching and learning at the interface of two professions offers the possibility of changing attitudes to more collaborative practice beyond the specific professional views of patient care. We are especially interested in the effect of the integration of patient actors in the debriefing and if inter-professional attitudes of the learners change over time. We have no proof that such an inter-professional hybrid simulation with standardized patient actors for midwife students and anesthesia residents does improve patient safety. We observed over the last four years that the key to successful implementation of such an inter-professional simulation program is the joined and shared inter-professional training of the simulation tutor team which improved mutual understanding of the different professional roles and views leading to an cooperative working and learning climate before, during and after the inter-professional simulation training.
After studying medicine at the University of Vienna, Austria, Dr. Greif specialized in anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine. Following a post-doc research fellowship at UCSF-San Francisco, CA, he became an associate professor at the Medical University of Vienna in 2002. In 2004 he was recruited to the University Hospital Bern, Switzerland; and promoted to professor at the University of Bern in 2009.
Beside his engagement in clinical anaesthesia and patient care his research focuses on airway management, resuscitation and medical education. He deepened his interest in medical education attending the Master of Medical Education program at the University of Bern and during the facilitator program of the Stanford Faculty Development Program.
Currently he serves as the Board Director of Training and Education for the European Resuscitation Council, as a member of the European Society of Anaesthesiology’s Education and Training Committee and E-learning committee, as the current president of the European Airway Management Society. Prof. Greif is the director of the resident training commission of the Swiss Anesthesia Society, the vice-president of the Cantonal Ethics Commission Bern, and is direction member of the Master of Medical Education Program as well as the Master of Medicine Program, all at the Medical Faculty University of Bern. He is the Editor-in Chief of Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Elsevier and associate editor of the European Journal of Anaesthesia.
He lectures and teaches courses about medical teaching, faculty development, simulation, resuscitation and airway management, at national and international conferences, at several Universities in Europe, and at the University Hospital Bern medical students and residents. There he is in charge of the 5th year practical exam (OSCE). At the Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine of the University Hospital Bern, Prof. Greif is member of the board of directors. He manages the “Peripheral Anaesthesia Division” which includes about half of the hospitals surgical specialties, and directs the Medical Education Division which includes the Bern Simulation and CPR-Center (BeSiC).
This simulation center runs now over 10 years under the lead of Prof. Greif. Core activities are the mandatory training of the departmental staff, simulation for a variety of departments in- and outside the university hospital as well as simulation for the medical students in the master study of medicine in Bern. Over the last years the center prioritized on-site simulation, simulation trainer teaching programs, and interprofessional interdisciplinary hybrid simulation including simulated patients.