Previous Conferences

The first conference on Standardized Patients took place in 2009 at the University of Bern. Following this event, the Berner Bildungszentrum Pflege, the Bern University of Applied Sciences Health, the Lausanne University of Applied Sciences Health and the Institute of Medical Education of the University of Bern joined to form an association called SPSIM. Its goal is to bring forward the use of Standardized Patients and Simulation in the education of health professionals by organizing a biannual conference.

Previous conferences

The conference allows participants to

  • Discuss scientific bases and best practice in health education using simulations
  • Determine new European directions for learning, teaching and assessing with Standardized Patients and Simulators
  • Identify relationships between the use of Standardized Patients and Simulations in education and patient safety
  • Network with international colleagues



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