Welcome to WITH:
The goal of WITH is to promote the interinstitutional collaboration in healthcare. We are building the Swiss Competence Centre for the training of technical skills (“skills”) with simulated patients (“SP”), sophisticated simulators (“manikins”), combined hybrid simulations and we are developping standard-setting and quality control of teaching with simulations.
This unique platform offers a possibility of joint planning and networking of all skills- and simulation-related activities in Switzerland. It enables as well the SPSIM Conference and the SASH a substantive representation of their activities.
Since 2009, Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulations (SPSIM) has been performed. Due to the close cooperation between the institutions and the establishment of the SASH 2012 an initiative of the interinstitutional and interprofessional collaboration is developed, which is on a growing base of dedicated institutions.
There is an agreement among the participants and leaders of the institutions involved, it would be worthwhile to think about an interinstitutional Skills- and Simulation Centre to pool common resources. This idea offers a promising starting point for further collaboration.
- Bern University of Applied Sciences Health (BFH)
- College of Higher Education in Nursing Bern (BZ Pflege)
- University of Bern, Institute of Medical Education (IML)
- Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud (HESAV)
- Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulations (SPSIM)
- Swiss Association for Simulation in Healthcare (SASH)
- Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM)